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The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the hills, there lived a young shepherd boy named Alex. He was tasked with watching over the village’s flock of sheep. Every day, Alex would lead the sheep to the nearby meadows where they could graze. It was a lonely job, and Alex often found himself bored with no one to talk to.

One day, as Alex sat on a hill overlooking the meadow, an idea popped into his head. He thought it would be fun to play a trick on the villagers. Alex stood up and started shouting at the top of his lungs, "Wolf! Wolf! A wolf is attacking the sheep!"

Hearing his cries, the villagers dropped everything they were doing and rushed to the meadow to help. They arrived with sticks and stones, ready to fend off the dangerous wolf. But when they reached Alex, they found no wolf, only the boy laughing at how easily they had been fooled.

The villagers were angry. "Do not cry wolf when there is no danger, Alex!" they scolded him. But Alex just laughed and thought to himself that it had been a harmless bit of fun.

A few days later, Alex grew bored again. Remembering how the villagers had come running the last time, he decided to cry wolf once more. "Wolf! Wolf! A wolf is attacking the sheep!" he shouted.

Again, the villagers came running to help, and again, they found no wolf. Just Alex, laughing even harder than before. This time, the villagers were furious. "If you keep lying, no one will believe you when there is really a wolf!" they warned him sternly.

But Alex didn’t listen. He enjoyed the excitement his trick brought to his otherwise dull days.

Then, one afternoon, as Alex was watching the sheep, a real wolf appeared at the edge of the meadow. Its eyes gleamed hungrily as it stalked closer to the flock. 

Alex’s heart raced with fear, and he shouted as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf! A wolf is attacking the sheep!"

But this time, the villagers didn’t come. They had been fooled twice before, and they thought Alex was playing another trick on them. No one believed his cries for help.

The wolf attacked the flock, scattering the sheep in all directions. Alex tried to fend it off, but he was just a boy, and the wolf was too strong and fierce. By the time the wolf was finished, many of the sheep were gone.

When the villagers finally came to check on Alex and the flock, they saw the destruction left by the wolf. Alex, with tears in his eyes, told them what had happened. The villagers were saddened, but they also reminded him of their warning: "A liar will not be believed, even when they are telling the truth."

From that day on, Alex learned a valuable lesson about honesty and the consequences of lying. He never cried wolf again, and he became a shepherd the village could trust.

And so, the village and its flock of sheep lived peacefully, with Alex as their reliable shepherd, always watching over them with care and truthfulness.