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The Glass of Kindness

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack. Jack lived in a busy town where the streets were filled with people hurrying about, but he was a poor boy with old clothes and no shoes. Jack didn’t have much, but he had a big heart and big dreams. Every day, he sold newspapers to earn money for school. One day, Jack was so hungry his stomach growled louder than the horses on the street! He looked at the bakery but knew he didn’t have any money for food.

Jack thought, "Maybe someone will help me." He knocked on the door of a house, but the man who answered frowned and shut the door. Jack felt sad, but he didn’t give up. He knocked on another door, and then another, but everyone said no. He was about to give up when he saw a little house with a small flower garden.

Jack knocked on the door, and a girl about his age answered. Her name was Lily, and she had bright green eyes and a warm smile. "Hello," Jack said shyly, "Could I please have something to eat?" Lily looked at Jack and saw how hungry he was. She didn’t have much, but she went inside and brought him a tall glass of milk. Jack was so thankful! He tried to give her some money, but Lily shook her head and said, “You don’t have to pay me.”

Jack drank the milk and felt full of hope. He thanked Lily again and left, but as he walked away, he promised himself, "Someday, I’ll repay her kindness." He didn’t know how or when, but he knew he would.

Many years passed, and Jack worked hard. He became a doctor and was known all over town for being kind and helping people. Jack was no longer a poor boy; he had his own small clinic where he helped everyone, even if they couldn’t pay.

In another part of town, Lily, the girl who had given Jack the glass of milk, had grown up too. But one day, she became very sick, and no one could help her. She visited many doctors, but she didn’t have enough money to pay for the treatments, so they turned her away. Lily felt very weak and sad.

Lily heard about a doctor who was very kind and always helped people, even if they couldn’t pay. She decided to visit him, even though she didn’t know who he was. When she arrived at the clinic, she was nervous but also hopeful. The doctor’s name was Jack, but she didn’t recognize him.

Dr. Jack listened carefully as Lily explained her illness. He knew she couldn’t pay, but that didn’t matter to him. He remembered the glass of milk he had once been given when he had nothing, and now he wanted to help Lily, even though he didn’t realize she was the same girl from his past.

Dr. Jack worked hard, and over the next few months, Lily started feeling better. She came to the clinic every week, and little by little, she grew stronger. Jack never asked her for money because he knew that helping her was the right thing to do.

After months of treatment, Lily was finally well again! She was so happy, but when she thought about how much it must have cost, she felt worried. When she came to the clinic for her last visit, Jack handed her an envelope. Nervously, Lily opened it, expecting to see a big bill. But instead, the paper said, “Paid in full, with a glass of milk.”

Lily stared at the note in shock. Her eyes filled with tears as she realized that Dr. Jack was the same boy she had given a glass of milk to all those years ago! She looked up at Jack, and he smiled kindly. "You helped me when I needed it most," he said softly. "This is my way of saying thank you."

Lily left the clinic with a heart full of happiness. As she walked home, the sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the town. Both Jack and Lily knew that a simple act of kindness, no matter how small, can change someone’s life forever. And from that day on, they both promised to continue helping others, knowing that kindness always finds its way back.