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The Thirsty Crow

Once upon a time, during a scorching summer, a crow was flying over a vast, dry land. The sun blazed overhead, and the heat was unbearable. The crow, parched and weary, searched desperately for water. It had been a long time since it had last had a drink, and it felt weak and exhausted.

As it flew over the landscape, the crow noticed that all the rivers and ponds had dried up. The crow’s hope began to dwindle, but it didn’t give up. It knew it had to keep searching if it wanted to survive.

After what seemed like hours, the crow spotted a small village in the distance. 

It flew towards the village, hoping to find some water. As it neared, it saw a large clay pot standing in the courtyard of one of the houses. The crow’s heart leaped with joy—surely there would be water inside!

The crow landed on the edge of the pot and looked inside. To its dismay, it saw that the pot was almost empty. There was only a little bit of water at the bottom, far out of the crow’s reach. The crow was determined not to give up. It thought hard about how it could reach the water.

After a few moments of thought, the crow came up with an idea. It noticed some small pebbles scattered around the courtyard. The crow began picking up the pebbles one by one and dropping them into the pot. With each pebble it dropped, the water in the pot rose a little higher.

The crow continued to drop pebbles into the pot, working tirelessly despite its fatigue. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the water had risen high enough for the crow to reach it. The crow dipped its beak into the water and drank deeply, quenching its thirst at last.

The crow felt a surge of strength and relief. Its perseverance and clever thinking had saved its life. The crow flew away, feeling proud of itself for not giving up, even when the situation seemed hopeless.

And so, the crow learned a valuable lesson that day: no matter how difficult the circumstances, there is always a way to overcome challenges if one uses their wits and never gives up.

From that day on, the crow always remembered the lesson it had learned and shared it with other animals. The story of the clever, determined crow became a legend in the animal kingdom, reminding everyone that perseverance and ingenuity can lead to success, even in the most difficult times.