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Animals in French

Explore the world of animals in French with our interactive guide designed for grade 1-3 kids.
Here are some common animals in French:

caméléon - chameleon
canard - duck
castor - beaver
chat - cat
cheval - horse
chien - dog
cochon - pig
colibri - hummingbird
crocodi- crocodile
cygne - swan
dauphin - dolphin
faucon - falcon
flamant rose - flamingo
geai - jay
hibou - owl
hérisson - hedgehog
l'aig- eagle
l'éléphant - elephant
la girafe - giraffe
la grenouil- frog
la grenouil- toad
la pou- chicken
la vache - cow
lapin - rabbit
lion - lion
lézard - lizard
mouton - sheep
oie - goose
oiseau - bird
ours - bear
panda - panda
papillon - butterfly
papillon de nuit - moth
perroquet - parrot
pig - cochon
pou- chicken
renard - fox
requin - shark
rhinocéros - rhinoceros
serpent - snake
singe - monkey
souris - mouse
tigre - tiger
vache - cow
zèbre - zebra
éléphant - elephant

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