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Building a Bridge to Lanka

Between Rama's quest to rescue Sita and Lanka, the island kingdom where the demon king Raavan held Sita captive, stretched a vast expanse of churning sea. How would they cross it? Enter Nala, the wise and wiry Vaanar architect. With a mischievous glint in his eye and a toolkit that would make any human carpenter jealous , Nala approached Ram and Sugriv.

"Mighty Ram," he declared, his voice high-pitched but firm, "we cannot fly to Lanka, and surely you wouldn't want us monkeys swimming all that way! But fear not, for I have a plan – a bridge so magnificent, so sturdy, it will stand as a testament to our determination!"

Ram, ever the strategist, raised an eyebrow. "A bridge, Nala? That's a bold idea. But how can we possibly build a bridge across the vast sea?"

Nala, his tail swishing with excitement, unfurled a giant scroll, revealing an intricate map of the seabed and surrounding islands. "Look, Ram," he explained, pointing with a sharp claw, "there's a chain of shallow shoals stretching from here to Lanka. We can use them as stepping stones, building a bridge from island to island!"

Sugriv, his brow furrowed in thought, scratched his head with a giant hand. "But Nala, wouldn't the bridge be constantly battered by the waves? How can it withstand the fury of the sea?"

Nala, a born engineer, chuckled. "Leave that to me, King Sugriv! We'll use the strongest vines, the sturdiest trees, and a touch of magic from my friend Sampati, the giant vulture with a wingspan wider than the sky!"

Days turned into weeks as the bridge took shape. Mountains of rocks were hauled from distant quarries by the strongest Vaanars, while others, nimble and quick, wove intricate nets from vines to create a sturdy base for the bridge. The laughter of monkeys mingled with the rhythmic pounding of hammers, a symphony of determination echoing through the forest.

One day, disaster struck! A sudden storm, whipped into a frenzy by the sea god Varuna, lashed at the partially built bridge. Rain lashed down, waves crashed against the unfinished structure, and terrified monkeys clung to swaying vines. Despair threatened to engulf the Vaanar army.

But Ram, ever the leader, rallied his allies. "Do not despair, my friends!" he boomed, his voice cutting through the storm's roar. "We have come too far to give up now. Remember, Sita awaits!"

Inspired by Rama's words, the Vaanar army surged with renewed purpose. Using Sampati's magical feathers, they created makeshift shields to deflect the wind and rain. With incredible strength and teamwork, they secured the weakened sections of the bridge, their determination a match for the storm's fury.

Finally, after days of relentless effort, the storm subsided, leaving behind a battered but unbroken bridge. The Vaanar army, drenched but triumphant, cheered their accomplishment. The bridge, a testament to their hard work and unwavering resolve, stretched proudly across the sea, a path leading to Lanka and hopefully, to Sita's rescue.

But their journey was far from over. What dangers awaited them on the shores of Lanka? How would they handle the formidable army guarding Raavan's fortress? That, my friends, is a story for another exciting chapter in the Ramayana!

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