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Burning Lanka and Meeting Ravana

Lanka, bathed in the pale glow of a rising moon, buzzed with the sounds of a slumbering city. Hanuman, no longer interested in being a sneaky mouse, transformed back to his full, magnificent form. He wasn't just leaving; he was making a statement.

With a mighty roar that echoed through the night, Hanuman leaped onto the highest palace roof. Lanka's guards, startled awake, scrambled for their weapons. "Behold, demons!" boomed Hanuman, his voice shaking the very foundations of the city. "I, Hanuman, loyal friend of Ram, have been in your midst! And I leave you with a parting gift!"

From his magical pouch, Hanuman produced a burning torch (a souvenir he'd "borrowed" from the palace kitchen). With a playful grin, he set fire to the luxurious palace drapes. Laughter, laced with defiance, erupted from his throat. Let Lanka burn!

Panic erupted within the city. Demons shrieked, scrambling to extinguish the flames. Everywhere Hanuman looked, fire blossomed, a message etched in burning embers – Sita would be rescued!

As chaos reigned below, Hanuman, enjoying the spectacle (and the delicious smell of roasting demon snacks – okay, maybe not!), set his sights on the grand audience hall. There, he spotted Raavan, the ten-headed demon king, lounging on a throne of solid gold, his expression a mask of fury.

With a mighty leap, Hanuman landed right in front of Raavan, the impact shaking the very hall. Raavan, momentarily speechless (not something that happened often), stared at the colossal monkey who dared to interrupt his royal nap.

"Greetings, oh illustrious demon king," boomed Hanuman, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I bring greetings from Ram, your soon-to-be worst nightmare."

Raavan, his anger flaring, roared. "Who dares interrupt me? Guards! Seize this insolent monkey!"

But before the demon guards could react, Hanuman snatched a magnificent necklace from around Raavan's neck – a necklace adorned with a single, perfect pearl rumored to hold immense magical power.

"A little memento for Ram," Hanuman declared with a wink, before transforming back into a tiny monkey and disappearing into a crack in the wall, leaving behind a bewildered and furious Raavan amidst a smoldering palace.

So ends the chapter of Hanuman's fiery farewell, but the adventure takes a daring turn! Will Hanuman manage to escape Lanka with his life (and the stolen necklace)? What dangers and challenges await him on his journey back to Rama? That, my friends, is a story for another exciting chapter!

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