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Hanuman Fetches the Sanjeevani herb to revive Lakshmana

High above the battlefield, where the wind sang a song of war and smoke billowed from Lanka like a monstrous sigh, Hanuman, the mighty Vaanar warrior, soared with a single, focused purpose – to save Lakshman's life. Hanuman, entrusted with the mission of finding the mythical Mrita Sanjeevani herb, had embarked on a perilous journey to Mount Malyavan.

His journey was perilous. He had to evade the watchful eyes of Raavan's monstrous vultures, their razor-sharp beaks and cruel eyes a constant threat. He outsmarted them with his agility, dodging their swoops and dives with the grace of a falling leaf.

Finally, after hours of flight, Mount Malyavan rose before him, its snow-capped peak glistening under the pale moonlight. But as Hanuman reached the summit, his heart sank. The mountain wasn't just vast, it was a labyrinth of jagged peaks and treacherous slopes, teeming with strange creatures guarding the precious herbs.

Disappointment threatened to engulf him, but then, Hanuman remembered Ram's unwavering faith and Lakshman's unwavering spirit. He wouldn't give up so easily.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Hanuman decided on a bold plan. Instead of searching for a single herb, he decided to take the whole mountain! He grew to a size that dwarfed the mountain itself, his muscles rippling with power. Then, with a mighty roar that shook the very foundation of the earth, he uprooted Mount Malyavan, the Sanjeevani herb nestled safely within its embrace.

Carrying the mountain like a giant flowerpot, Hanuman retraced his steps, a grin splitting his face. He swooped down upon the battlefield, landing with a gentle thud that sent dust flying in all directions.

"Behold, Ram!" he declared, his voice booming with pride, "the cure for your brother!"

The sight of Hanuman carrying a whole mountain was so awe-inspiring that even Raavan's soldiers stopped to stare, their mouths agape. Ram, his eyes filled with gratitude, rushed to the mountain and with the help of the wise physician Sushena, located the Sanjeevani herb.

The herb, with its emerald leaves and a faint glow, pulsed with life force. As its essence was administered to Lakshman, a subtle flush returned to his cheeks, and his chest began to rise and fall with a shallow breath. Slowly, but surely, he opened his eyes, a weak smile gracing his lips.

Cheers erupted from the Vaanar army, the sound echoing through the battlefield. Hanuman, his chest puffed out with pride, allowed himself a victory chuckle. He had not only saved Lakshman's life but also lifted the spirits of his allies and dealt a severe blow to Raavan's arrogance.

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