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The fox and the crow

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a clever fox known for his cunning ways. 

One sunny afternoon, as the fox was trotting along a path, he noticed a crow perched high in a tree. In the crow's beak was a large piece of cheese, gleaming in the sunlight.

The fox’s mouth watered at the sight of the cheese, and he immediately devised a plan to get it. He approached the base of the tree and looked up at the crow with admiration.

"Good day, beautiful crow!" called the fox. "How splendid you look today! Your feathers are so glossy and your eyes shine like diamonds. I bet your voice is as charming as your appearance. Could you sing a song for me? I have no doubt it will be the most melodious tune I've ever heard."

The crow, flattered by the fox’s compliments and eager to showcase her vocal talents, lifted her head high and began to caw. As she opened her beak, the piece of cheese fell from her mouth and tumbled down to the ground.

Quick as a flash, the fox snapped up the cheese and began to munch on it with great satisfaction. The crow, realizing she had been tricked, cawed furiously, but it was too late. The fox had what he wanted.

As he savored the delicious cheese, the fox looked up at the crow and said with a sly grin, "My dear crow, you have a voice indeed, but it’s not your singing that has fed me today. Remember, don’t trust flatterers."

The crow, though angry and embarrassed, learned a valuable lesson about vanity and the deceitfulness of flattery. From that day on, she vowed to be more cautious and to never let sweet words cloud her judgment again.

The fox, pleased with his successful trick, trotted away into the forest, continuing his mischievous adventures. And the forest went on with its usual rhythm, with the animals wiser from the little drama they had witnessed.