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Welcome to the exciting world of homophones! This page is designed for grade 4-6 kids to explore the fascinating concept of words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings.


are words that sound the same but have different meanings and often different spellings. Let's explore some examples of homophones:

  1. See - Sea: "I want to see the ocean and swim in the sea."

  2. Too - Two: "I ate too much cake at the party." "Two birds were sitting on the tree."

  3. Their - There - They're: "Their dog is so playful." "The park is over there." "They're going to the movies tonight."

  4. Piece - Peace: "Can I have a piece of cake?" "Let's make peace and stop arguing."

  5. Write - Right: "Please write your name on the paper." "Turn right at the next intersection."

  6. Flour - Flower: "We need flour to make bread." "Look at that beautiful flower in the garden."

  7. Allowed - Aloud: "You are allowed to use your phone during break time." "She read the poem aloud to the class."

  8. Bear - Bare: "I saw a bear in the forest." "The tree was bare without any leaves."

  9. Buy - By - Bye: "I want to buy a new toy." "The book was written by the author." "Wave bye to your friends."

  10. Hair - Hare: "She has long hair." "The hare is a fast animal."

Remember, homophones can be tricky because they sound the same, but their meanings and spellings are different. It's important to pay attention to the context in which these words are used to understand their intended meaning.

Some more examples:

  • Ache - a continuous pain
  • Aisle - a passageway in a building or between rows of seats
  • Aid - assistance or help
  • Aide - a person who helps or assists
  • Air - the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the Earth
  • Heir - a person who inherits property or a title
  • All - the whole or entire amount
  • Awl - a small pointed tool for making holes
  • Ant - a small insect
  • Aunt - the sister of one's parent
  • Ark - a large boat
  • Arc - a curved shape or path
  • Ate - past tense of "eat"
  • Eight - the number after seven
  • Bale - a large bundle of hay or paper
  • Bail - the temporary release of an accused person pending trial
  • Ball - a spherical object used in sports or games
  • Bawl - to cry loudly
  • Band - a group of musicians
  • Banned - not allowed or prohibited
  • Bare - without clothing or covering
  • Bear - a large mammal or to tolerate
  • Base - the bottom or foundation
  • Bass - a low-pitched musical instrument or voice
  • Beat - to strike or hit repeatedly
  • Beet - a root vegetable
  • Beer - an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains
  • Bier - a stand or frame for a coffin
  • Bell - a hollow object that makes a ringing sound
  • Belle - a beautiful woman
  • Berry - a small edible fruit
  • Bury - to put into the ground
  • Blew - past tense of "blow"
  • Blue - a color
  • Board - a flat piece of wood or group of people in charge of an organization
  • Bored - feeling uninterested or tired
  • Brake - a device used to slow down or stop a vehicle
  • Break - to separate into pieces or take a pause
  • Buy - to acquire something in exchange for money
  • Bye - a farewell or goodbye
  • Cede - to give up or surrender
  • Seed - a reproductive part of a plant
  • Ceiling - the upper surface of a room
  • Sealing - the act of closing or sealing something
  • Cell - a small unit or compartment
  • Sell - to exchange goods or services for money
  • Cent - a unit of currency
  • Scent - a pleasant or distinctive smell
  • Sent - past tense of "send"
  • Chord - a group of musical notes played together
  • Cord - a thin, flexible string or wire
  • Cite - to quote or mention as evidence or example
  • Site - a location or place
  • Sight - the ability to see or something that is seen
  • Clause - a group of words that includes a subject and a verb
  • Close - to shut or near in distance
  • Clothes - garments worn on the body
  • Coal - a black, solid fossil fuel
  • Cole - a type of cabbage
  • Complement - something that completes or goes well with something else
  • Compliment - a polite expression of praise or admiration
  • Creak - a high-pitched sound made by a door or floor
  • Creek - a narrow, winding stream of water
  • Crews - groups of people working together
  • Cruise - a trip or journey by ship or boat
  • Days - plural of "day"
  • Daze - to stun or confuse
  • Dear - loved or precious
  • Deer - a large mammal with antlers
  • Dew - moisture that forms on surfaces during the night
  • Due - owed or expected to happen
  • Die - to cease living
  • Dye - a substance used to change the color of something
  • Doe - a female deer
  • Dough - a mixture of flour, water, and other ingredients used in baking
  • Draft - a preliminary version or a current of air
  • Draught - a drink or the action of pulling or carrying something heavy
  • Dual - consisting of two parts or elements
  • Duel - a fight or contest between two people
  • Earn - to receive payment for work
  • Urn - a decorative vase or container for ashes
  • Eye - the organ of sight
  • I - a pronoun used to refer to oneself
  • Faint - to lose consciousness or weak in intensity
  • Feint - a deceptive or pretended blow or movement in a fight
  • Fair - just or equitable or a public event with games and rides
  • Fare - the price of a ticket or food
  • Faze - to disturb or disconcert
  • Phase - a stage or step in a process
  • Feat - an impressive achievement or deed
  • Feet - plural of "foot"
  • Freeze - to change from a liquid to a solid by lowering temperature
  • Friar - a member of a religious order
  • Fryer - a person or appliance used for frying food
  • Gorilla - a large primate found in Africa
  • Guerrilla - a member of an irregular military force
  • Grate - a framework of metal bars or to shred into small pieces
  • Great - of an extent, amount, or intensity above average
  • Hair - the strands that grow on the head or body
  • Hare - a fast-running mammal

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