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Proverbs Quiz


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Test your knowledge of proverbs with our interactive quiz designed for grade 4-6 kids. 
Select the right answer for below questions:

Actions speak louder than words means:
Good deeds are more important than talking about them.
Speaking is more important than taking action.
Words have more power than actions.
Actions and words are equally important.
Good deeds are more important than talking about them.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch means:
Don't underestimate the power of counting.
Don't make plans based on uncertain events.
Counting chickens is a waste of time.
Chickens always hatch on time.
Don't make plans based on uncertain events.

Every cloud has a silver lining means:
Every cloud is made of silver material.
Bad situations often have a positive side.
Silver linings are found only in clouds.
Clouds are always beautiful.
Bad situations often have a positive side.

A stitch in time saves nine means:
Sewing is a valuable skill.
Fixing a problem early can prevent bigger problems later.
Nine stitches are needed for every sewing project.
Time is valuable and should not be wasted.
Fixing a problem early can prevent bigger problems later.

Don't judge a book by its cover means:
Books with beautiful covers are always interesting.
Judging books is a waste of time.
Don't judge people based on their appearances alone.
Book covers are more important than the content.
Don't judge people based on their appearances alone.

Where there's smoke, there's fire means:
Smoke can be dangerous to inhale.
Firefighters are always nearby when there's smoke.
There is always some reason for a problem/situation.
Fire needs smoke to spread.
There is always some reason for a problem/situation.

Birds of a feather flock together means:
Birds like to fly in large groups.
Birds only fly with birds of the same species.
People with similar interests or characteristics tend to associate with each other.
Birds have feathers of different colors.
People with similar interests or characteristics tend to associate with each other.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do means:
Everyone should dress like people in Rome.
It's important to follow local customs and traditions when visiting a new place.
Rome is the best place to visit.
Romans are the most fashionable people in the world.
It's important to follow local customs and traditions when visiting a new place.

You can't have your cake and eat it too means:
Eating cake is not allowed.
Having cake is more important than eating it.
You can't enjoy the benefits of something while still possessing it.
Sharing cake is better than eating it alone.
You can't enjoy the benefits of something while still possessing it.

All's fair in love and war means:
Love and war are the same thing.
Everything is allowed in the pursuit of love and during times of war.
Love and war should be avoided at all costs.
Fairness is important in both love and war.
Everything is allowed in the pursuit of love and during times of war.

Two heads are better than one means:
Having two heads is better than having one.
Two people working together can solve problems more effectively than one person alone.
It's better to work alone than to collaborate with others.
Two people should always think the same way.
Two people working together can solve problems more effectively than one person alone.

Better late than never means:
Being late is always acceptable.
It's better to be late than to be early.
Being late is always frustrating.
It's better to do something late than to never do it at all.
It's better to do something late than to never do it at all.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket means:
Eggs should always be kept in multiple baskets.
Putting eggs in a basket is a waste of time.
It's risky to rely on a single thing or option.
Eggs should be shared with others.
It's risky to rely on a single thing or option.

A watched pot never boils means:
Pots should not be watched while boiling.
It's better to boil water without a pot.
Time seems to move slower when you're waiting for something.
Boiling water is not necessary for cooking.
Time seems to move slower when you're waiting for something.

Too many cooks spoil the broth means:
Broth should not be cooked with too many ingredients.
Cooking with many people can lead to a messy kitchen.
Too many people involved in a task can ruin the outcome.
Broth is the best dish to cook with many cooks.
Too many people involved in a task can ruin the outcome.

Haste makes waste means:
Being quick is always wasteful.
Waste should be made quickly.
Rushing can lead to mistakes or inefficiency.
Wasting time is better than being hasty.
Rushing can lead to mistakes or inefficiency.

A penny saved is a penny earned means:
Saving money is pointless.
Earning money is more important than saving it.
Money saved or not spent is equivalent to money earned.
Pennies are worth more than dollars.
Money saved or not spent is equivalent to money earned.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater means:
Babies should never be thrown.
Bathwater is more important than the baby.
Be careful not to discard something valuable while getting rid of something unwanted.
Babies should always be bathed separately.
Be careful not to discard something valuable while getting rid of something unwanted.

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs means:
Making omelettes is a waste of eggs.
Achieving something significant often involves making sacrifices.
Omelettes should never be made.
Omelettes are better with unbroken eggs.
Achieving something significant often involves making sacrifices.

{"qz1-940796":"Good deeds are more important than talking about them.","qz1-940797":"Don't make plans based on uncertain events.","qz1-940798":"Bad situations often have a positive side.","qz1-940799":"Fixing a problem early can prevent bigger problems later.","qz1-940800":"Don't judge people based on their appearances alone.","qz1-940801":"There is always some reason for a problem/situation.","qz1-940802":"People with similar interests or characteristics tend to associate with each other.","qz1-940803":"It's important to follow local customs and traditions when visiting a new place.","qz1-940804":"You can't enjoy the benefits of something while still possessing it.","qz1-940805":"Everything is allowed in the pursuit of love and during times of war.","qz1-940806":"Two people working together can solve problems more effectively than one person alone.","qz1-940807":"It's better to do something late than to never do it at all.","qz1-940808":"It's risky to rely on a single thing or option.","qz1-940810":"Time seems to move slower when you're waiting for something.","qz1-940811":"Too many people involved in a task can ruin the outcome.","qz1-940812":"Rushing can lead to mistakes or inefficiency.","qz1-940813":"Money saved or not spent is equivalent to money earned.","qz1-940814":"Be careful not to discard something valuable while getting rid of something unwanted.","qz1-940815":"Achieving something significant often involves making sacrifices."}

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