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Describing People and Objects in French

Discover the power of words with our grade 4-6 kids' resource on describing people and objects in French. Learn how to describe the appearance of people and objects using adjectives and expand your vocabulary in a fun and interactive way.

Being able to describe people and objects is a useful skill that allows you to communicate more effectively and express your thoughts and observations. In this lesson, we will learn how to describe physical appearance, personality traits, and objects in French. Let's dive into the exciting world of French descriptions!

Describing Physical Appearance

  • Grand(e) (grahn(d)) - Tall
  • Petit(e) (puh-tee(t)) - Short
  • Mince (mahnss) - Slim
  • Gros(se) (groh(s)) - Fat
  • Brun(e) (bruhn) - Brown-haired
  • Blond(e) (blohnd) - Blonde
  • Châtain(e) (shah-tahn) - Chestnut-haired
  • Les cheveux longs (lay shevuh lohng) - Long hair
  • Les cheveux courts (lay shevuh koor) - Short hair
  • Les yeux bleus (lay zhyuh bluh) - Blue eyes

Describing Personality Traits

  • Sympathique (sahn-pah-tee(k)) - Friendly
  • Timide (tee-meed) - Shy
  • Drôle (drohl) - Funny
  • Intelligent(e) (ahn-tay-lee-zhah(n)) - Intelligent
  • Calme (kahlm) - Calm
  • Énergique (ay-nair-zheek) - Energetic
  • Gentil(le) (zhahn-teel(l)) - Kind
  • Créatif(ve) (kray-ah-tee(v)) - Creative
  • Sérieux/sérieuse (seh-ree-uh(seuh)) - Serious
  • Courageux/courageuse (kur-ah-zhuh(kur-ahzh)) - Courageous

Describing Objects

  • Grand(e) (grahn(d)) - Big
  • Petit(e) (puh-tee(t)) - Small
  • Coloré(e) (koh-loh-ray(t)) - Colorful
  • Utile (yoo-teel) - Useful
  • Beau/belle (boh/behl) - Beautiful
  • Pratique (prah-teek) - Practical
  • Nouveau/nouvelle (noo-voh/noo-vell) - New
  • Ancien(ne) (ahn-syehn) - Old
  • Léger/légère (lay-zhay) - Light
  • Solide (soh-leed) - Solid

Putting It All Together

Let's practice using French descriptions by describing people and objects. Describe someone's physical appearance or personality, or describe objects around you using the vocabulary we've learned. For example:

  • Elle a les cheveux blonds et les yeux bleus. (ehl ah lay shevuh blohnd ay lay zhyuh bluh) - She has blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • C'est un livre intéressant et coloré. (say uh(n) leevr ay(n)ter-eh-sah(n) ay koh-loh-ray) - It is an interesting and colorful book.

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