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French Conditional Tense conjugations

The conditional tense (le conditionnel) in French is used to express actions that are hypothetical, dependent on certain conditions, or uncertain. It's also used for polite requests or suggestions. To conjugate regular -er verbs in the conditional tense, you can follow a specific pattern. Here's how you conjugate regular -er verbs in the conditional tense:

  1. Take the Infinitive: Start with the infinitive form of the verb. For example, let's use the verb "parler" (to speak).

  2. Remove the -er Ending: Drop the -er ending from the infinitive, leaving you with the verb's stem. For "parler," you would remove the -er, leaving "parl."

  3. Add the Conditional Endings: To the verb stem, add the appropriate conditional endings based on the subject pronoun (Je, Tu, Il/elle/on, Nous, Vous, Ils/elles). The conditional endings for -er verbs are:

    • Je (I): -ais
    • Tu (You, singular): -ais
    • Il/elle/on (He/she/one): -ait
    • Nous (We): -ions
    • Vous (You, plural/formal): -iez
    • Ils/elles (They): -aient

Now, let's conjugate the verb "parler" (to speak) in the conditional tense for each subject pronoun:

  • Je parlerais (I would speak)
  • Tu parlerais (You would speak)
  • Il/elle/on parlerait (He/she/one would speak)
  • Nous parlerions (We would speak)
  • Vous parleriez (You would speak)
  • Ils/elles parleraient (They would speak)

Here are conditional tense conjugations for some common French first group (-er) verbs:

1. aimer (to love):

  • J'aimerais ce livre. (I would love this book.)
  • Tu aimerais la musique. (You would like the music.)
  • Il/elle/on aimerait le dessert. (He/she/one would like the dessert.)
  • Nous aimerions la plage. (We would like the beach.)
  • Vous aimeriez le film. (You would like the movie.)
  • Ils/elles aimeraient le voyage. (They would like the trip.)

2. manger (to eat):

  • Je mangerais des fruits. (I would eat fruits.)
  • Tu mangerais un sandwich. (You would eat a sandwich.)
  • Il/elle/on mangerait du gâteau. (He/she/one would eat cake.)
  • Nous mangerions au restaurant. (We would eat at the restaurant.)
  • Vous mangeriez de la pizza. (You would eat pizza.)
  • Ils/elles mangeraient des légumes. (They would eat vegetables.)

3. parler (to speak):

  • Je parlerais français. (I would speak French.)
  • Tu parlerais de ton voyage. (You would talk about your trip.)
  • Il/elle/on parlerait du film. (He/she/one would talk about the movie.)
  • Nous parlerions de la politique. (We would talk about politics.)
  • Vous parleriez avec le professeur. (You would talk with the teacher.)
  • Ils/elles parleraient de la musique. (They would talk about music.)

4. écouter (to listen):

  • J'écouterais de la musique. (I would listen to music.)
  • Tu écouterais les actualités. (You would listen to the news.)
  • Il/elle/on écouterait attentivement. (He/she/one would listen attentively.)
  • Nous écouterions le vent. (We would listen to the wind.)
  • Vous écouteriez les conseils. (You would listen to the advice.)
  • Ils/elles écouteraient la pluie. (They would listen to the rain.)

5. chanter (to sing):

  • Je chanterais une chanson. (I would sing a song.)
  • Tu chanterais une mélodie. (You would sing a melody.)
  • Il/elle/on chanterait en public. (He/she/one would sing in public.)
  • Nous chanterions en harmonie. (We would sing in harmony.)
  • Vous chanteriez une berceuse. (You would sing a lullaby.)
  • Ils/elles chanteraient une chanson d'amour. (They would sing a love song.)

6. danser (to dance):

  • Je danserais toute la nuit. (I would dance all night.)
  • Tu danserais avec élégance. (You would dance elegantly.)
  • Il/elle/on danserait comme un professionnel. (He/she/one would dance like a professional.)
  • Nous danserions lors de la fête. (We would dance at the party.)
  • Vous danseriez la salsa. (You would dance salsa.)
  • Ils/elles danseraient au mariage. (They would dance at the wedding.)

7. regarder (to watch/look at):

  • Je regarderais un film. (I would watch a movie.)
  • Tu regarderais les étoiles. (You would look at the stars.)
  • Il/elle/on regarderait attentivement. (He/she/one would look attentively.)
  • Nous regarderions le coucher du soleil. (We would watch the sunset.)
  • Vous regarderiez un documentaire. (You would watch a documentary.)
  • Ils/elles regarderaient la télévision. (They would watch TV.)

8. travailler (to work):

  • Je travaillerais dur. (I would work hard.)
  • Tu travaillerais sur un projet. (You would work on a project.)
  • Il/elle/on travaillerait tard. (He/she/one would work late.)
  • Nous travaillerions ensemble. (We would work together.)
  • Vous travailleriez efficacement. (You would work efficiently.)
  • Ils/elles travailleraient sur le projet. (They would work on the project.)

9. habiter (to live/reside):

  • J'habiterais en ville. (I would live in the city.)
  • Tu habiterais près de la mer. (You would live near the sea.)
  • Il/elle/on habiterait dans un appartement. (He/she/one would live in an apartment.)
  • Nous habiterions à la campagne. (We would live in the countryside.)
  • Vous habiteriez à l'étranger. (You would live abroad.)
  • Ils/elles habiteraient dans une maison. (They would live in a house.)

10. aimer (to like/love):

  • J'aimerais le thé. (I would like tea.)
  • Tu aimerais la musique classique. (You would like classical music.)
  • Il/elle/on aimerait la nature. (He/she/one would love nature.)
  • Nous aimerions le cinéma. (We would like the cinema.)
  • Vous aimeriez la peinture. (You would like painting.)
  • Ils/elles aimeraient le sport. (They would like sports.)

11. donner (to give):

  • Je donnerais de l'argent. (I would give money.)
  • Tu donnerais un cadeau. (You would give a gift.)
  • Il/elle/on donnerait des conseils. (He/she/one would give advice.)
  • Nous donnerions notre soutien. (We would give our support.)
  • Vous donneriez votre temps. (You would give your time.)
  • Ils/elles donneraient leur avis. (They would give their opinion.)

12. jouer (to play):

  • Je jouerais au football. (I would play soccer.)
  • Tu jouerais aux échecs. (You would play chess.)
  • Il/elle/on jouerait du piano. (He/she/one would play the piano.)
  • Nous jouerions au basket. (We would play basketball.)
  • Vous joueriez aux cartes. (You would play cards.)
  • Ils/elles joueraient au tennis. (They would play tennis.)

13. aider (to help):

  • J'aiderais les personnes dans le besoin. (I would help people in need.)
  • Tu aiderais tes amis. (You would help your friends.)
  • Il/elle/on aiderait les animaux. (He/she/one would help animals.)
  • Nous aiderions les bénévoles. (We would help the volunteers.)
  • Vous aideriez à résoudre le problème. (You would help solve the problem.)
  • Ils/elles aideraient à nettoyer. (They would help clean up.)

14. travailler (to work):

  • Je travaillerais dur pour réussir. (I would work hard to succeed.)
  • Tu travaillerais avec enthousiasme. (You would work with enthusiasm.)
  • Il/elle/on travaillerait sur un projet innovant. (He/she/one would work on an innovative project.)
  • Nous travaillerions ensemble pour atteindre nos objectifs. (We would work together to achieve our goals.)
  • Vous travailleriez intelligemment pour résoudre les défis. (You would work smartly to solve the challenges.)
  • Ils/elles travailleraient avec dévouement. (They would work with dedication.)

15. penser (to think):

  • Je penserais à notre avenir. (I would think about our future.)
  • Tu penserais à une solution créative. (You would think of a creative solution.)
  • Il/elle/on penserait à de nouvelles idées. (He/she/one would think of new ideas.)
  • Nous penserions à la planète. (We would think about the planet.)
  • Vous penseriez à des stratégies efficaces. (You would think of effective strategies.)
  • Ils/elles penseraient à leurs rêves. (They would think about their dreams.)

16. monter (to climb/go up):

  • Je monterais en haut de la montagne. (I would climb to the top of the mountain.)
  • Tu monterais les escaliers rapidement. (You would climb the stairs quickly.)
  • Il/elle/on monterait sur le toit. (He/she/one would climb onto the roof.)
  • Nous monterions en altitude. (We would climb in altitude.)
  • Vous monteriez à cheval. (You would ride a horse.)
  • Ils/elles monteraient la colline en courant. (They would run up the hill.)

17. descendre (to descend/go down):

  • Je descendrais lentement les escaliers. (I would go down the stairs slowly.)
  • Tu descendrais en rappel la falaise. (You would rappel down the cliff.)
  • Il/elle/on descendrait du train à la gare. (He/she/one would get off the train at the station.)
  • Nous descendrions vers la plage. (We would go down to the beach.)
  • Vous descendriez de la montagne en ski. (You would come down from the mountain skiing.)
  • Ils/elles descendraient les collines en randonnée. (They would descend the hills hiking.)

18. entrer (to enter):

  • J'entrerais dans la salle de spectacle. (I would enter the theater.)
  • Tu entrerais dans le musée. (You would enter the museum.)
  • Il/elle/on entrerait dans la forêt. (He/she/one would enter the forest.)
  • Nous entrerions dans la grotte. (We would enter the cave.)
  • Vous entreriez dans le bâtiment. (You would enter the building.)
  • Ils/elles entreraient dans le parc. (They would enter the park.)

19. sortir (to go out):

  • Je sortirais avec des amis ce soir. (I would go out with friends tonight.)
  • Tu sortirais en boîte de nuit. (You would go out to a nightclub.)
  • Il/elle/on sortirait pour prendre l'air. (He/she/one would go out to get some fresh air.)
  • Nous sortirions en groupe. (We would go out in a group.)
  • Vous sortiriez souvent en amoureux. (You would often go out as a couple.)
  • Ils/elles sortiraient en ville le week-end prochain. (They would go out in the city next weekend.)

20. boire (to drink):

  • Je boirais de l'eau toute la journée. (I would drink water all day.)
  • Tu boirais du café ce matin. (You would drink coffee this morning.)
  • Il/elle/on boirait du jus d'orange au petit-déjeuner. (He/she/one would drink orange juice for breakfast.)
  • Nous boirions du vin avec le dîner. (We would drink wine with dinner.)
  • Vous boiriez du thé à la menthe. (You would drink mint tea.)
  • Ils/elles boiraient des cocktails exotiques à la fête. (They would drink exotic cocktails at the party.)

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