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Places and Directions in French

Embark on a journey through the French language with our grade 4-6 kids' resource on places and directions. Learn how to talk about different locations in French and confidently give and understand directions.

Being able to talk about places and give directions is essential for navigating your surroundings and communicating with others. In this lesson, we will learn how to discuss common places, ask for directions, and give directions in French. Let's embark on a journey to explore the world of French places and directions!

Common Places Vocabulary

  • L'école (lay-kol) - School
  • La maison (lah meh-zohn) - House
  • Le parc (luh park) - Park
  • Le magasin (luh mah-gah-zahn) - Store
  • La bibliothèque (lah bee-blee-oh-tehk) - Library
  • Le restaurant (luh rehs-toh-rahn) - Restaurant
  • La plage (lah plahzh) - Beach
  • Le cinéma (luh see-nay-mah) - Cinema
  • La piscine (lah pee-seen) - Swimming pool
  • Le musée (luh mew-zay) - Museum

Asking for Directions

  • Où est...? (oo ay) - Where is...?
  • Comment puis-je aller à...? (koh-mahn pwee-juh ah-lay ah) - How can I go to...?
  • Excusez-moi, je cherche... (ehks-koo-zay-mwah, zhuh shairsh) - Excuse me, I'm looking for...
  • Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider? (ehs-kuh voo poo-vay may-day) - Can you help me?
  • Je suis perdu(e). (zhuh swee pair-doo) - I am lost.

Giving Directions

  • Tournez à gauche. (toor-nay ah gohsh) - Turn left.
  • Tournez à droite. (toor-nay ah drwaht) - Turn right.
  • Allez tout droit. (ah-lay too drwah) - Go straight ahead.
  • Prenez la première rue à gauche/droite. (pruh-nay lah prem-yair roo ah gohsh/drwaht) - Take the first street on the left/right.
  • C'est juste là-bas. (say zhoost lah-bah) - It's just over there.

Common Directions Vocabulary

  • Devant (duh-vahn) - In front of
  • Derrière (dair-yair) - Behind
  • À côté de (ah koh-tay duh) - Next to
  • Près de (pray duh) - Near
  • Au coin de (oh kwahn duh) - At the corner of

Role-Playing Directions

Let's practice asking for and giving directions in French through role-play exercises. Take turns playing the roles of a lost traveler and a helpful local. Use the vocabulary and phrases we've learned to navigate and guide each other to different places. For example:
  • Traveler: Excusez-moi, où est la bibliothèque?
  • Local: Tournez à droite, puis allez tout droit. C'est près de l'école.

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