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Transportation Vocabulary in French

Get ready to embark on a language journey with our grade 4-6 kids' resource on transportation in French. Learn how to talk about different modes of transportation, travel, and commuting in the French language.

Knowing how to talk about transportation is important for traveling and getting around in French-speaking countries. In this lesson, we will learn about different modes of transportation, how to ask for transportation-related information, and how to express our preferences and needs. Let's embark on a journey to explore the exciting world of French transportation!

Modes of Transportation Vocabulary

  • Le train (luh trahn) - Train
  • Le bus (luh booss) - Bus
  • Le métro (luh meh-troh) - Subway
  • Le taxi (luh tahk-see) - Taxi
  • Le vélo (luh vay-loh) - Bicycle
  • La voiture (lah vwa-tuhr) - Car
  • Le bateau (luh ba-toh) - Boat
  • L'avion (lah-vee-ohn) - Airplane
  • La moto (lah moh-toh) - Motorcycle
  • Le tramway (luh trahm-way) - Tram

Asking for Transportation Information

  • Comment puis-je aller à...? (koh-mahn pwee-juh ah-lay ah) - How can I go to...?
  • Où est la gare? (oo ay lah gahr) - Where is the train station?
  • Quel bus dois-je prendre pour aller à...? (kehl booss dwahzh prahn-dr poor ah-lay ah) - Which bus should I take to go to...?
  • À quelle heure part le train? (ah kell uhr par luh trahn) - What time does the train depart?
  • Est-ce que ce bus va à...? (ehs-kuh suh booss vah ah) - Does this bus go to...?

Expressing Preferences and Needs

  • J'aime prendre le métro. (zhem prahn-dr luh meh-troh) - I like taking the subway.
  • Je préfère voyager en avion. (zhuh pray-fehr vwah-yah-zhay ahn ah-vee-ohn) - I prefer traveling by airplane.
  • J'ai besoin d'un taxi pour aller à l'aéroport. (zhay buh-zwahn dun tahk-see poor ah-lay ah lah-air-oh-pohr) - I need a taxi to go to the airport.
  • Je veux louer un vélo. (zhuh vuh loo-ay uh vay-loh) - I want to rent a bicycle.
  • Je dois prendre le tramway pour me rendre à l'école. (zhuh dwah prahn-dr luh trahm-way poor muh rahn-dr ah lay-kol) - I have to take the tram to get to school.

Role-Playing Transportation Scenarios

Let's practice using transportation vocabulary and phrases through role-play exercises. Take turns playing different transportation-related scenarios, such as buying a bus ticket, asking for directions to a train station, or discussing travel preferences. Use the vocabulary and phrases we've learned to communicate effectively. For example:

  • Traveler: Excusez-moi, quel métro dois-je prendre pour aller à la tour Eiffel?
  • Local: Prenez la ligne 6 et descendez à la station Bir-Hakeim.

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