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Lakshmana and Sita Insist on Accompanying Rama

In the opulent halls of Ayodhya, where sunlight shimmered on gold and even the palace peacocks strutted with a royal air, a heavy silence had settled. Remember Ram, the prince who agreed to exile for his father's sake? His decision, though noble, left a bitter taste in everyone's mouth, especially his loyal companions.

Lakshman, Rama's ever-shadow brother, paced the room like a caged tiger. His dark eyes crackled with anger. "Exile? Alone? Never!" he boomed, his voice echoing through the hushed corridors. "Where Ram goes, I go. We face this together, as brothers!"

Sita, Rama's wife, a woman with eyes like pools of moonlight and a spirit as fierce as a tigress, stepped forward. Her chin held high, her voice ringing with determination, "And I, Rama's wife, will not be left behind. The forest may be filled with dangers, but my place is by your side."

Ram, his heart heavy with the burden of his decision, looked at his brother and wife with love and concern. He envisioned Lakshman facing wild boars with his bare fists (Lakshman could be a bit impulsive) and Sita braving the scorching sun with nary a complaint (though she did sunburn easily).

"But the dangers, the hardships..." Ram stammered, his voice laced with worry.

Lakshman scoffed. "Dangers? We've wrestled rogue elephants and outsmarted cunning crocodiles together. A few trees and monkeys won't scare us!"

Sita knelt beside Ram, her touch gentle yet firm. "The forest may hold dangers," she said, "but so does a lonely palace without the warmth of your family. We are your strength, Ram, just as you are ours."

A lump formed in Rama's throat. He knew they were right. He couldn't face the exile alone, not when he had such loyal companions by his side. Lakshman, with his fierce loyalty and unwavering support, and Sita, with her unwavering love and gentle strength, were more than just companions – they were his family.

With a warm smile, Ram reached out and squeezed their hands. "Together, then," he declared, his voice filled with newfound determination. "Together, we face the forest and whatever challenges it may hold."

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