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Government and Democracy Quiz


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Test your knowledge of government and democracy with our interactive quiz designed for grade 1-3 kids.
Select the right answer for below questions:

What is government?
A group of people who make decisions for a country or community
A type of game played with friends
A place where people go to have fun
A type of food
A group of people who make decisions for a country or community

Who is a leader?
Someone who guides, inspires, and influences others towards a common goal
Someone who tells jokes and makes people laugh
Someone who plays sports and wins competitions
Someone who paints pictures and creates art
Someone who guides, inspires, and influences others towards a common goal

What is democracy?
A type of fruit
A form of government where people have the power to choose their leaders
A game played with dice
A type of music
A form of government where people have the power to choose their leaders

What is a citizen?
A type of bird
A person who is not part of a community
A member of a country or community with certain rights and responsibilities
A type of animal
A member of a country or community with certain rights and responsibilities

How are leaders chosen in a democracy?
By playing sports and winning competitions
By being born into a certain family
By being elected by the people in an election
By having the most money
By being elected by the people in an election

What is a vote?
A type of dance
A decision made by a leader
A way for people to express their choice or opinion
A type of food
A way for people to express their choice or opinion

What is the capital city?
The biggest city in a country
City where a government is located
The city with the most famous landmarks
The city where the Olympics are held
City where a government is located

What is a law?
A type of animal
A set of rules that people must follow
A type of book
A type of game
A set of rules that people must follow

What is freedom of speech?
The right to say or express your thoughts and opinions
The right to play any sport you want
The right to eat any food you want
The right to go to any place you want
The right to say or express your thoughts and opinions

What is a constitution?
A type of building
A type of car
A set of rules or laws that outline how a country is governed
A type of toy
A set of rules or laws that outline how a country is governed

{"qz1-497617":"A group of people who make decisions for a country or community","qz1-497618":"Someone who guides, inspires, and influences others towards a common goal","qz1-497619":"A form of government where people have the power to choose their leaders","qz1-497620":"A member of a country or community with certain rights and responsibilities","qz1-497621":"By being elected by the people in an election","qz1-497622":"A way for people to express their choice or opinion","qz1-497623":"City where a government is located","qz1-497624":"A set of rules that people must follow","qz1-497625":"The right to say or express your thoughts and opinions","qz1-497626":"A set of rules or laws that outline how a country is governed"}

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