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Adding Two-Digit Numbers

Learn how to add two-digit numbers with our interactive guide designed for grade 1-3 kids. Engage in examples to strengthen your addition skills.
So you know how to add single digit numbers like 3 + 4 = 7, right? Now, we are going to learn how to add two-digit numbers, which are numbers that have two digits, like 12 or 35.

For example, let's say we want to add the numbers 35 and 12. First, we will line them up just like before, but this time we will have to pay attention to the tens and the ones.


Now, we will start by adding the ones, which are the last digits of the numbers, 5 and 2. So 5 + 2 = 7. So we write 7 under the line.


Now, we will move on to the tens, which are the second digits of the numbers, 3 and 1. So 3 + 1 = 4. And we write 4 in front of the 7, like this:


And that's it! We have added the two-digit numbers 35 and 12 and got the answer 47.

Let's try adding another example,

Now, we start by adding the ones, 4+3 = 7 and put it below the line.


Then we move on to the tens, 2+1 = 3 and put it in front of the 7, so the answer is 37


And that's how you add two-digit numbers. Remember, when you add two-digit numbers, you start by adding the ones and then the tens. And always put the answer in the right place, tens on the left and ones on the right.

Carrying When Sum is more than 9

Sometimes when we add two-digit numbers, we might get a bigger number than 9 for the ones or the tens. This is called "carrying."

For example, let's say we want to add the numbers 57 and 29. We will start by adding the ones, 7 + 9 = 16. But since we can only write one digit in that spot, we have to carry the 1 to the tens.

Now, we will add the tens, 5 + 2 + 1 (carried over) = 8. And we write 8 in front of the 6.


And that's it! We have added the two-digit numbers 57 and 29 and got the answer 86.

Let's try another example,


We start by adding the ones, 5+8 = 13, but we can only write 3 in that spot and carry the 1 over to the tens.


Then we add the tens, 2+3+1 (carried over) = 6, and we write 6 in front of the 3, so the answer is 63


When you add two-digit numbers, sometimes you have to carry the number over to the next column, if the sum of the digits in that column is more than 9.

It's important to practice carrying numbers to get used to it, and with time and practice, it will become second nature to you.

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