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Area is a measure of how much space is inside a shape. Think of it like a big carpet that you can lay down on the floor. The bigger the carpet, the more space it takes up.

Just like a carpet, different shapes have different areas. A square carpet takes up more space than a round one, and a rectangular carpet takes up more space than a triangle one.

A way to measure the area of a shape is to count the number of little squares that fit inside it. For example, if you have a square that is made up of 10 little squares, its area is 10 square units.

Another way to measure the area of a shape is to multiply the length and width of the shape together. For example, if a rectangle is 3 units long and 4 units wide, its area is 3 x 4 = 12 square units.

So, to sum up, area is a way to measure how much space is inside a shape and it's measured in square units like square feet, square meters, square inches.

Area of various common shapes

  1. Square:

    • Formula: Area = side^2
  2. Rectangle:

    • Formula: Area = length × width
  3. Triangle:

    • Formula: Area = (base × height) / 2
  4. Circle:

    • Formula: Area = π × radius^2
  5. Parallelogram:

    • Formula: Area = base × height
  6. Trapezoid:

    • Formula: Area = ((base1 + base2) × height) / 2
  7. Rhombus:

    • Formula: Area = (diagonal1 × diagonal2) / 2
  8. Pentagon:

    • Formula: Area = (side^2 × sqrt(25 + 10 × sqrt(5))) / 4
  9. Hexagon:

    • Formula: Area = (3 × sqrt(3) × side^2) / 2
  10. Octagon:

    • Formula: Area = 2 × (1 + sqrt(2)) × side^2
  11. Ellipse:

    • Formula: Area = π × a × b
  12. Annulus:

    • Formula: Area = π × (outer radius^2 - inner radius^2)
  13. Sector of a Circle:

    • Formula: Area = (θ/360) × π × radius^2
  14. Equilateral Triangle:

    • Formula: Area = (sqrt(3) × side^2) / 4
  15. Isosceles Triangle:

    • Formula: Area = (base × height) / 2

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