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Learn about volume and how to measure it with our interactive guide designed for grade 1-3 kids. Engage in examples to understand the concept of volume and boost your math proficiency.
Volume or Capacity is a way to measure how much something can hold. We use different tools to measure capacity, like a measuring cup or a graduated cylinder. A measuring cup is a special cup with marks on it that show the amount of liquid it can hold, like 1 cup, 2 cups, or 1/4 cup. We use it to measure how much milk or juice we need for a recipe, for example. A graduated cylinder is a glass tube with marks on it that show the amount of liquid it can hold, like 10 milliliters or 50 milliliters.
It is used in labs to measure the volume of liquids. Just like weight, we can compare the capacity of different things by using the measuring tools and seeing which one holds more or less.

Volume of various shapes

  1. Cube:

    • Formula: Volume = side^3
  2. Rectangular Prism:

    • Formula: Volume = length × width × height
  3. Triangular Prism:

    • Formula: Volume = (base × height × length) / 2
  4. Cylinder:

    • Formula: Volume = π × radius^2 × height
  5. Cone:

    • Formula: Volume = (π × radius^2 × height) / 3
  6. Sphere:

    • Formula: Volume = (4/3) × π × radius^3
  7. Pyramid:

    • Formula: Volume = (base area × height) / 3
  8. Triangular Pyramid:

    • Formula: Volume = (base area × height) / 3
  9. Rectangular Pyramid:

    • Formula: Volume = (base area × height) / 3
  10. Prism:

    • Formula: Volume = base area × height
  11. Hexagonal Prism:

    • Formula: Volume = (3 × (√3) × side^2 × height) / 2
  12. Pentagonal Prism:

    • Formula: Volume = (5 × tan(54°) × side^2 × height) / 4
  13. Torus (Donut):

    • Formula: Volume = (2 × π^2 × R × r^2)
  14. Ellipsoid:

    • Formula: Volume = (4/3) × π × a × b × c
  15. Octahedron:

    • Formula: Volume = (√2 × side^3) / 3

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